Name? Ish Manuelle
Height and weight? 5'5, IDK
Where do you live? Parañaque City
Birthday? March 7, 1992
How old are you? 19 years old
What are your interests? Fashion Journalism, DIYs, Poetry, Stars and Galaxies, Painting and Blogging.
What do you do? I most of the time paint, blog, do graphic arts, animation and I, from time to time, cuddle-batter my boyfriend.
Where do you study? University of Sto. Tomas (College) Regina Maria Montessori (HS)
What’s your course? Fine Arts major in Painting
When are you graduating? March 2012
Do you commute going to school? Yes and no.
What do you do in your course? PAINT, RANT and PAINT some more.
Is your course hard? Down right hard, but upon seeing the outcome of your hardwork, it pays off.
Are you taken? Yeah.
Who is your boyfriend? Allen Montecalvo Garcia
How long are you guys together? A year and 3 months to forever.
Is he your neighbor? No, I wish he is.
Legal on both sides? Yes.
What’s your daily regimen? Upon waking up, I apply drops of Visine Refresh on my eyes for I have really sensitive eyes, then a MUG of coffee or tea. In the shower, I use Pantene Shamppo and Conditioner Nature Care for my hair, and as my soap, I use Heno de Pravia. On my face, after taking a bath, I use The Body Shop facial towel with Olay foaming wash for Oily Face and Olay cream cleanser right after rinsing. Before applying make-up or what so ever, I first get a cotton pad and drop a few of Olay Refreshing Toner. Then I apply Mary Kay Moisturizer before putting on powder or any make-up products.
What’s your hair color? It's black now, but soon it'll be ash blonde again.
How do you do your eyebrows? I barely have hair on my brows, so I don't really pluck or thread once in a while cause it's already thin. I just clean the scattered hair on the brow bone. And I use an eyebrow cake to reshape it.
What hair removal cream do you use? Veet.
Do you work out? BEFORE.
What's your inspiration in your layout design? Stars and Galaxies
Did you do all of the customization? Yup!
What is your favorite color? Maroon and Navy Blue